TurfCool® Irrigation Boxes

  • Addresses safety and aesthetic concerns associated with plastic utility boxes
  • Designed to fit specific manufacturer irrigation, rotary sprinkler and/or valve systems
  • Easy access makes it convenient for daily use, repairs, and adjustments
  • Adapts to most athletic field playing surfaces
  • Aluminum or heavy-duty steel construction with integrated drainage stub where applicable
  • Synthetic turf models include exclusive infill retainage gasket and perimeter turf attachment ledge
  • Custom sizes and designs available upon request


The TurfCool® Irrigation Box is designed to house a manufacturers irrigation valve, hose reels or rotary sprinklers within your athletic venue. Not only do our irrigation boxes protect irrigation equipment, but they also address accessibility, safety, and aesthetic concerns of plastic irrigation boxes.

Like our ComBox® electrical / communications boxes, the perforated lids and open bottoms are to ensure proper drainage. Our lid design is recessed to accommodate most athletic field playing surfaces, whether its natural grass, asphalt, roll out mat surface, concrete, synthetic turf, or a track surface. The infill retainer system prevents synthetic turf infill from collecting in the in the hole.

For custom sizes and designs, please contact your regional sales representative.


TCITQCV - Quick connect water valve box, synthetic infill turf

TCITQCVHD - Heavy duty quick connect water valve box, synthetic infill turf

TCNGQCV - Quick connect water valve box, natural grass

TCNGQCVHD - Heavy duty quick connect water valve box, natural grass

TCTSQCV - Quick connect water valve box, synthetic infill track surface

TCBMQCV - Quick connect water valve box, concrete or asphalt

TCITHRSR - Self-retractable hose reel box, synthetic infill turf
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TCNGHRSR - Self-retractable hose reel box, natural grass
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TCTSHRSR - Self-retractable hose reel box, synthetic track surface
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TCBMHRSR - Self-retractable hose reel box, concrete or asphalt
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TCITTS120V - Toro® TS120 series sprinkler box, synthetic infill turf

TCITTS170V - Toro® TS170 series sprinkler box, synthetic infill turf


TurfCool® Irrigation Boxes
TurfCool® Irrigation Boxes
TurfCool® Irrigation Boxes
TurfCool® Irrigation Boxes