ComBox® Electrical / Communications Boxes

  • Addresses safety, aesthetic, and durability concerns associated with plastic utility boxes
  • Ideal for projects that call for AC power, lighting, timing, scoreboards, public address, cameras, and communications
  • Easy hand-hole access makes it convenient for daily use, repairs, and adjustments
  • Lid designs adapts to most athletic field playing surfaces
  • Aluminum construction with integrated drainage stub
  • Synthetic turf models include exclusive infill retainage gasket and perimeter turf attachment ledge
  • Custom sizes and designs available upon request

Product Description

The ComBox® electrical / communications box is the perfect solution for enclosing power, electronics, or communications in your athletic field or other sports surface. The ComBox® can handle AC power, communications, lighting, scoreboards, cameras, timing devices, Wi-Fi, public address systems, and any other track and field utility you may need.

The ComBox® electrical / communications box addresses safety, aesthetic, and durability concerns associated with plastic utility boxes. Our aluminum lid design is recessed to accommodate most athletic field playing surfaces, whether its natural grass, asphalt, roll out mat surface, concrete, synthetic turf, or a track surface. Heavy duty models are constructed of heavy-duty steel for maximum strength and durability.

Our ComBox® utility boxes have perforated lids, and open bottoms for proper drainage. Each box also has a 1” drain that can accept a connection to a subsurface drainage system.

Product Documentation

CBTS1830 - ComBox® electrical / communication box for poured/paved synthetic track surface

CBTS1815 - Half ComBox® electrical / communication box for poured/paved synthetic track surface

CBMS1830 - ComBox® electrical / communication box for rolled track mat surface

CBMS1815 - Half ComBox® electrical / communication box for rolled track mat surface

CBBM1830 - ComBox® electrical / communication box for asphalt or concrete

CBBM1815 - Half ComBox® electrical / communication box for asphalt or concrete

CBIT1830 - ComBox® electrical / communication box for synthetic infill turf

CBIT1830HD - Heavy Duty ComBox® electrical / communication box for synthetic infill turf

CBIT1815 - Half ComBox® electrical / communication box for synthetic infill turf

CBIT1815HD - Heavy Duty Half ComBox® electrical / communication box for synthetic infill turf

CBNG1830 - ComBox® electrical / communication box for natural grass

CBNG1830HD - Heavy Duty ComBox® electrical / communication box for natural grass

CBNG1815 - Half ComBox® electrical / communication box for natural grass

CBNG1815HD - Heavy Duty Half ComBox® electrical / communication box for natural grass