Discus Throwing Cages

  • High quality discus cages for all levels of competition
  • Black super durable powder coated 4” OD aluminum uprights
  • Standard 36” rolled offset mitigates implement ricochet
  • Black #36 nylon net with 1-3/4” square mesh, 345 lb. break strength
  • Available in multiple heights, styles, and layout configurations
  • Hinged net stabilizer extension arms permit grounds maintenance
  • Optional back-up net systems available upon request
  • Designed to meet / exceed World Athletics, NCAA, and NFHS rules and regulations


Our discus throwing cages are high-quality enclosures designed to ensure the safety of athletes, spectators and officials at competitions and training for all levels of play. They are used to contain the trajectory of the discus, preventing it from traveling outside the designated throwing areas.

Discus throwing cages from Sportsfield Specialties are constructed of powder coated aluminum uprights and #36 black nylon netting. Available in multiple heights, styles, and layout configurations.

Designed to meet / exceed World Athletics, NCAA, and NFHS rules and regulations.


DCHS - High school discus cage, (6) poles

DCHSEA - High school discus cage with extension arms, (6) poles

DCHSPT - High school portable discus cage, (6) poles

DCHS7 - High school discus cage, (7) poles

DCHS7EA - High school discus cage with extension arms, (7) poles

DCHS8 - High school discus cage, (8) poles

DCHS8EA - High school discus cage with extension arms, (8) poles

DCHSTEA - High school tall discus cage with extension arms, (6) poles

TitleSizeDate addedDownload
Discus Cage and Shot Put Cage Install Instructions2.90 MB01-10-2024 Download

DCCOL - College discus cage, (8) poles

DCCOLEA - College discus cage with extension arms, (8) poles

DCCOLPT - College portable discus cage, (8) poles

TitleSizeDate addedDownload
DCCOLPT Portable College Discus Cage2.40 MB21-09-2023 Download
DCCOLPT - College Portable Discus Cage 3-Part Specification51.00 KB21-09-2023 Download
DCCOLPT-CAD3.78 MB21-09-2023 Download

DCCOLTEA - College tall discus cage with extension arms, (8) poles

DCWAEA - World Athletics tall discus cage with extension arms, (9) poles

DCNE - Discus Cage Extension Net Extension

TitleSizeDate addedDownload
Discus Cage Net Extension Cut Sheet1.23 MB21-09-2023 Download
DCNE-CAD4.03 MB21-09-2023 Download


Discus Throwing Cages
Discus Throwing Cages
Discus Throwing Cages