BaseZone® Field Wall Padding

  • Popular and affordable option that remains the best in its class
  • The preferred choice for high school and little league applications
  • 3″ 1580 polyurethane foam excels at moderate impact velocities
  • 19 oz. premium outdoor vinyl covering
  • 3/4″ moisture resistant composite board
  • Choose from a variety of standard color options
  • Optional high resolution digitally printed graphics
  • Available with z-clip wall attachment or chain-link attachment


BaseZone® field wall padding is a popular and affordable line of outdoor wall padding that is the preferred choice for high school and little league applications. Our field wall pads are designed to provide protection for players, while enhancing the look of your playing field.

In addition to safety, our BaseZone® field wall padding contributes to the overall aesthetics of the playing field. Customize the look of your wall pads with your team colors, logos, and other branding elements. Your field wall pads are an excellent opportunity for advertising, sponsorships – a source of revenue for sports teams and venues.

Learn about outdoor wall padding maintenance.


BFWPZ44 - BaseZone® Field Wall Padding, 4’W x 4’L x 3.75”D, z-clip wall mounting

BFWPZ46 - BaseZone® Field Wall Padding, 4’W x 6’L x 3.75”D, z-clip wall mounting

BFWPZ48 - BaseZone® Field Wall Padding, 4’W x 8’L x 3.75”D, z-clip wall mounting

BFWPS - BaseZone® Field Wall Padding, Sewn Grommet

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BaseZone Field Wall Padding Sewn Grommet Cut Sheet0.99 MB06-12-2023 Download

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