Scoreboard Netting Systems

  • Custom netting systems protect front or rear of scoreboards & video boards
  • Prevents indentations and hardware damage caused by balls or implements
  • Ultra Cross® Knotless Netting barrier provides 95% see-through visibility
  • Systems typically designed with an 18” net offset and 12” of border tolerance
  • Features custom support arms with I-beam clamps and tensioned cabling
  • Custom designs are adaptable to nearly all scoreboard sizes and applications
  • Protect your long-term investment without compromising visibility and function


Scoreboard netting systems are designed to protect electronic scoreboards and other equipment from balls, debris, and potential damage caused by foul balls or other shots during sports events. These systems are commonly used in baseball and softball playing fields, as well as other sports venues where scoreboards need protection.

Protect your long-term investment without compromising scoreboard visibility and functionality. Our ultra® cross knotless netting is the netting of choice when protecting your scoreboard.


SBNS - Custom scoreboard netting

TitleSizeDate addedDownload
SBNS Custom Scoreboard Netting1.17 MB21-09-2023 Download