Football Goal Access Frame Kits

  • Available for all Sportsfield football goal post models
  • Required for rotating and/or hinged football goal posts
  • Synthetic turf models include exclusive infill retainage gasket
  • and perimeter turf attachment ledge
  • Synthetic turf models require turf to be applied by others
  • Natural grass models include preinstalled synthetic turf with thatch layer
  • Aluminum construction with integral drainage stub
  • Includes two half covers with goal post cutout


Football goal access frame kits manufactured by Sportsfield Specialties are aluminum or steel framed structures designed to provide secure access to the base of AdjustRight® football goal posts. They are commonly used for maintenance, assembly, adjustments or removal of goal posts by field crews or maintenance teams.

When a football goal post is installed with an access frame kit, half covers are used to fit snuggly around the gooseneck post and cover the recessed area created by the access frame. When it’s time to remove the goal post, solid covers (sold separately) are placed inside. In addition to an open frame bottom, access frame kits include subsurface drainage outlets allowing them to be connected to a 1” drain line during construction. This outlet provides drainage, virtually eliminating any standing water that could collect inside the access frame area.

All access frame kits manufactured by Sportsfield Specialties are designed to incorporate the SG2S® soccer goal safety system, which can be purchased with GoalPak® combination goals or added in the field after installation has been completed.


GPAFIT - Standard access frame kit for synthetic infill turf

GPAFITHD - Heavy duty standard access frame kit for synthetic infill turf

GPAFITC - Optional GPAFIT full size reinforced aluminum filler plug for synthetic infill turf
GPAFITCHD - Optional heavy duty GPAFIT full size reinforced aluminum filler plug for synthetic infill turf
GPAFNG - Standard access frame kit for natural grass

GPAFNGHD - Heavy duty standard access frame kit for natural grass

GPAFNGC - Optional GPAFNGC full size reinforced aluminum filler plug for natural grass
GPAFNGCHD - Optional heavy duty GPAFNGC full size reinforced aluminum filler plug for natural grass
GPAFITR30 - 30" access frame kit for synthetic infill turf

GPAFITR30HD - Heavy duty 30" access frame kit for synthetic infill turf

GPAFITRC30 - Optional GPAFITR30 full size reinforced aluminum filler plug for synthetic infill turf
GPAFITRC30HD - Optional heavy duty GPAFITR30 full size reinforced aluminum filler plug for synthetic infill turf
GPAFNGR30 - 30" access frame kit for natural grass

GPAFNGR30HD - Heavy duty 30" access frame kit for natural grass

GPAFNGRC30 - Optional GPAFNGRC30 full size reinforced aluminum filler plug for natural grass
GPAFNGRC30HD - Optional heavy duty GPAFNGRC30 full size reinforced aluminum filler plug for natural grass


Football Goal Access Frame Kits
Football Goal Access Frame Kits
Football Goal Access Frame Kits
Football Goal Access Frame Kits