Following a 2016 expansion of their Delhi, NY manufacturing facility, Sportsfield Specialties, Inc. (SSI) made the strategic decision to also expand their sales capabilities in North America. According to David Moxley, Director of Sports Construction Sales, SSI will now market their products to clients in all territories of Canada.
“With the expansion of our manufacturing facility, we recognized the opportunity to increase our customer base without compromising customer services,” explained Moxley.
To support SSI’s expansion into Canada, Moxley said the company hired an additional Regional Sales Manager and redistricted others. Most notably, veteran Regional Sales Manager, Terra Erickson, who has been with SSI since 2005, will manage the Great Lakes Region and Eastern Canadian territories, while newcomer Michael Mercadante will cover sales in the Midwest Region and Western Canadian territories.
“Michael has a lot of experience with customer relations and program management. He’s already been a proven asset to our company,” said Moxley. He continued that Mercadante, a ten-year Golf Professional, came to SSI in January. Before joining the team, he was retail manager for a golf shop with 50 employees under his supervision and promoted golf tournaments.